News letter Aprl 2017
We will travel again to Mexico in a short while.
Bram will now be getting married "officially" in church, and we want to assist of course . . .
This journey we will try sourcing some coffee, not very easy, coffee grows in the South and we are in the North, but nothing is impossible.
We will be traveling from April 13th till May 2nd.
Kindly check on inventory . . . being without coffee is not nice . . .
Our last roasting day and last postage day is Wednesday April 12th
Wednesday May3, we will roast and post again.
New in our assortment: Washed Jamaica High Mountain Supreme , Wallenford.
Blue mountain coffees are growing between 3.000 and 5.000 feet.
High Mountain Supreme between 1.500 and 3.000 feet.
Pricing: € 45/kg unroasted - € 55,-- per kg roasted.
Wallenford info
Mexico Washed Arabica, SHG, European Preparation, Finca Las Chicharras, School Project
New in our assortment, a mild coffee (sweet, almonds).
The Finca is being supported by the importer with a School Project for young children.